The mummies of the Kukukuku | History - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
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In the Highlands of Papua New Guinea lies a unique place called the "Sacred Rock". The Enga mummies of the fierce tribe Kukukuku were found there. Mummifying their leaders and warriors
Egypt, Pharaoh's magic | History - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
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The Egyptian temple was a door to another dimension, and its design demanded precisely that. The height of its ceilings, the level of its floors, the shape and elements of the
Egypt, The Book of the Dead | History - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
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The ancient Egyptians believed that no sky, Earth, gods, men, animals or plants existed before creation. There was only an immense void they called Nun that contained Atum, the beginning of
Egypt, The power of the Nile | History - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
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For the ancient Egyptians, the Nile was the main connection between their lives and an infinite supply of provisions. But its waters hid an underworld of darkness and mystery for its