Before the Big Bang 7: An Eternal Cyclic Universe, CCC revisited & Twistor Theory
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This is part update, part remake of our earlier film on Sir Roger Penrose’s Conformal Cyclic Cosmology(CCC). If you haven't seen the first one, don’t worry, you don’t need to. If you have seen our first film there is plenty of new material and updates that weren't covered .
". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.
This is part update, part remake of our earlier film on Sir Roger Penrose’s Conformal Cyclic Cosmology(CCC). If you haven't seen the first one, don’t worry, you don’t need to. If you have seen our first film there is plenty of new material and updates that weren't covered . So hopefully both audiences should be catered for in this version. We also give a layman explanation for Twistor Theory.
The film is a part of series fo films exploring competing models of the big bang, In previous episodes we have interviewed cosmologists such as Stephen Hawking, Alan Guth and many other leading figures in the field.
You can see those episodes here:
We want to remake the first two films in this series as the quality of these we feel was low. Also in the case of CCC, there have been many fascinating new developments since the first film came out.
There were will be future films on other models too.
Conformal Cyclic cosmology is a scheme whereby the universe is seen to be cyclic even though it never recollapses and bounces back out. Instead it undergoes whats called a conformal rescaling. What’s that ? Watch the film, all will be explained. CCC promises to solve many deep mysteries in cosmology such as why was the entropy of the big bang so low? What happened before the big bang? where does the dark matter in our universe come from? We address both the theory of CCC and the possibility of experimental verification. We also address criticisms of the theory.
All of the scientists in the film saw a draft and approved it before release.
A detailed description of the topics discussed is below:
0 Introduction
1:03 What is CCC?
1:51 Explaining conformal geometry
3:31 Connecting conformal geometry to cosmology
5:24 How to remove the singularity with a conformal rescaling
8:05 Solving the low entropy mystery
10:30 CCC and the information paradox
13:28 firewalls
14:28 Is the entropy fine tuned for life?
15:33 The creators aim
17:31 Fine tuning: is it real ? necessity? multiverse or cycles?
20:21 How CCC explains dark matter
24:49 Has LIGO seen hints of CCC?
26:24 Responding to Sabine Hossenfelder
28:55 Circles in the CMB Sky, evidence for CCC?
36:17 BICEP 2, B modes and primordial magnetic fields
38:40 Responding to William Lane Craig
44:15 Cosmic Jerks and Snaps
46:38 Twistor Theory
51:39 do we need quantum gravity? challenging the conventional view
53:23 CCC and back holes
54:50 summing up
To watch other documentaries please visit:
Meo – 2018 – Documentaries Blog
‘Mehmet Şentürk
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