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Pic. Source: "Love" by stormyteacups
Aphorism - 10 Aphorisms on Love
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In our Aphorisms Blog, we try to reflect love and its related feelings from various points from time to time. In this article, we provide you ten definitions of love, featured for you. Please share any quotes you like on your social media accounts with a little information "-Meo (" added to our quotes. Thanks a lot.
1. Depends on person:
Love is cold war for some people, close contact for others.
2. Is like snowing :
Just like snowing is love; while initial whiteness excites humans, then becomes a while suffering for those unable to get used to..
3. Lives in glances:
Love is sometimes experienced at first sight, sometimes at every sight.
4. Definitely contains a 'you':
Love is an obsession in which everyone fictionalize a protagonist called "you" and impose all children in their souls to play the same game to the end.
5. Lasts a lifetime!:
Love starts with the first breath as love of life, end with the last breath as a disillusion; all the rest in the middle is just statistic.
6. Some calls making love, calls it making the love..:
Though love is neither a memory and a coffee to remember for a lifetime, nor cigarettes lit one by one! Love is not 'making love' but 'making the love'; contrary to all we fail in doing so..
7. Has lots of possibilities and hopes:
Maybe, love is just another "mayde".
8. Also called as state of insanity:
Love is voluntary state of insanity that we fear of living as much as we start to talk about.
9. Answer to some questions:
The simplest realities are way more better than the most fantastic lies, and the most basic feelings are the one seemed more complicated such that people live out their lives for finding them. The most complicated moments, sometimes, can be solved easily, for instance, love is sometimes the simplest answer...
10. Knocks the door sometimes:
While love is knocking your door, if you waste your time with questions of 'who is it?', then you can put the blame of even lacking a door to any guests on your door. This is neither the fault of the door and unexpected guests, but your drawbacks and fears in your emotions!
Feel free to read more quotes on love in our Aphorisms of Love Blog. Best regards and with respect, Meo a.k.a Mehmet Şentürk.
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