Back to the Beginning Origins Nova Neil Degrasse Tyson HD

Published in Documentary Blog

In our documentary series, this time you can watch a new documentary called "Back to the Beginning Origins Nova Neil Degrasse Tyson HD". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.

Back to the Beginning Origins Nova Neil Degrasse Tyson HD
Explore how the forces of the early universe made it possible for habitable worlds to emerge. The clues begin with a race among scientists to capture lingering echoes of the Big Bang's ferocious energy in a microwave "whisper" from deep space.


Scientific Proof of God

Published in Documentary Blog

In our documentary series, this time you can watch a new documentary called "Scientific Proof of God". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.

Proof of God. Go beyond Intelligent Design with the scientific case for a Creator.

Dr. Gerald Schroeder delivers a powerful scientific case proving that God's existence is real.

Dr. Schroeder's argument is so powerful that it influenced one of the worlds leading atheist, Antony Flew to accept the reality of an infinitely intelligent God.


Naked Science - Earth's Core

Published in Documentary Blog

In our documentary series, this time you can watch a new documentary called "Naked Science - Earth's Core". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.

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Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare...

There is a place on Earth that we have never seen.


God's Existence - Documentary

Published in Documentary Blog

In our documentary series, this time you can watch a new documentary called "God's Existence - Documentary". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.

With more than 100 million downloads, the YouVersion Bible app Download it here:

"Nothing from nothing leaves nothing"

Some atheists are trying to make believe that Albert Einstein did not believe in God.


Did Earth Have Technology in the Past Greater Than Ours Today?

Published in Documentary Blog

In our documentary series, this time you can watch a new documentary called "Did Earth Have Technology in the Past Greater Than Ours Today?". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.

In our recent video on Four Things the Public Is Not Supposed....
Bonus Video @Patreon

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico


What is Consciousness? What is Its Purpose?

Published in Documentary Blog

In our documentary series, this time you can watch a new documentary called "What is Consciousness? What is Its Purpose?". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.

Age of Uncertainty - New Full Documentary (2017) - Time, Cosmology, Quantum Physics and Philosophy

Published in Documentary Blog

In our documentary series, this time you can watch a new documentary called "Age of Uncertainty - New Full Documentary (2017) - Time, Cosmology, Quantum Physics and Philosophy". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.

In this very special edition of the Quantum Tunnel, we visit the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics to explore some of the deepest scientific and philosophical questions for mankind.

We speak to world-class physicists and thinkers; Sean Carroll, Marina Cortes, Fay Dowker, Joao Magueijo, Carlo Rovelli, and Lee Smolin who provide a rare glimpse into the world of theoretical physics and some unique perspectives of how humanity may fit into the greater cosmos.


Planks Number and the MATRIX. You will want to watch this Video for is sheer Simplicity.

Published in Documentary Blog

In our documentary series, this time you can watch a new documentary called "Planks Number and the MATRIX. You will want to watch this Video for is sheer Simplicity.". To watch this documentary please click the title or image above. More details and video can be found in the article. Have fun watching.

Planks [Maxwell] constant (number) is the smallest quantity of Energy [MATTER] that the before mentioned can be subdivided into. His number is among one of the most important constants in both the Small (subatomic) and the Large [MACRO] world.

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